Level 2

Low Beginner (Level 2):

This class meets: Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-1:30pm or Monday-Tuesday from 9:00am-6:30pm

8 week session.

This course is designed for students who have a basic foundation in English after completion of level 1. The student will expand on their basic grammar skills acquired from the previous level by learning and distinguishing between the present progressive, past progressive, and simple past. They will also begin to create sentences in the past and future tenses using phrases and words relating to the future or past. The student will learn how to use polite questions, imperative statements, indefinite pronouns, possessive nouns, comparatives and superlatives. The student will use their expanded grammar abilities in reading, writing, and speaking in different activities dealing with family, personal interests, travel, sports, food, and invitations. The students will engage in conversation with each other as well as the teacher to better master their abilities. A student in this level will be able to talk about the past and future, give their basic opinions about experiences, and ask about other people. A student in this level has enough proficiency to use the language to communicate basic ideas about themselves, hobbies, and more physical activities, but is still at a beginner’s level.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 1 or receive a passing score on the IEP Level 1 test or appropriate score on placement test

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