Level 4

Low Intermediate (Level 4):

This class meets: Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-1:30pm or Monday-Tuesday from 9:00am-6:30pm

8 week session.

By this point, students are beginning to develop basic competence in spoken English. They can take care of their day-to-day needs in English and communicate and understand at a simple level. They are able to ask for clarification though they still need practice with detailed or complex language. They can speak of abstract concepts like personalities, narrate stories, rites of passage, turning points, and describe good qualities for a job interview. They are able to converse with each other to reach solutions for problems and discuss pros and cons of an issue. They can describe hypothetical events and are also able to give instructions. Cognates that exist in their own language will be easily recognized. The student will begin to transition through sentences and paragraphs with more fluency and flow using transitional phrases and conjunctions. They will be able to do more than describe and will start to compare objects or ideas. Students can use the grammar tenses more comfortably now but still with considerable error that requires correction. They will begin to use and understand the passive and active voice, practicing these two different voices. After completion of this level, the student will be able to discuss in depth about their preferences and thoughts on course-specific issues. They will also be able to give instructions and advice using more precise words and grammar tenses, and with greater fluency.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Level 1-3 or receive a passing score on the IEP Level 3 test or appropriate score on placement test

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